EU Cleaning Stations

About us › Our Members

Membership of EFTCO is restricted to National Associations whose operating members undertake to satisfy independently audited standards within their domain.


ALCI (Associazione Lavaggi Cisterne Industriali)

Country Italy
Address Viale Evaristo Stefini 8 20145 Milano
President’s mobile +39 3473101952
Secretary’s mobile +39 3791920123
Email board@alci.it / info@alci.it   /
Website www.alci.it
Contacts Aurelia Piadelli (President)
Paolo Mina (Vice President)
Barbara Guerra (Secretary)

ANLIC (Asociación Nacional De Lavaderos De Interiores De Cisternas)

Country Spain
Address Pol. Ind. Riu Clar, p. 169-179 Apdo. 89 E - 43080 Tarragona
Phone +34/977.54.72.76
Fax +34/977.55.26.19
Email anlic@anlic.com
Website www.anlic.com
Contacts Josep Cid (Chairman)
Laura Martín (Secretary)
EFTCO member

APLICA (Association Professionnelle des Laveurs Intérieurs de Citernes Agréés)

Country France
Address BP 60108 – 59874 Wambrechies Cedex
Phone +33 3 20 13 19 55
Mobile +33 7 86 02 22 39
Email info@aplica.asso.fr / d.becquet@brun-invest.net
Website http://www.aplica-asso.fr/
Contacts Damien Becquet (President)
Sophie Robin (General Secretary)
EFTCO member

ATCN (Association of Tank Cleaning Companies Netherlands)

Country The Netherlands
Address PO Box 3008, 2700 KS Zoetermeer
Phone +31884567235
Fax /
Email info @ ATCN . nl
Website www.atcn.nl
Contacts Peter Jonkers
EFTCO member

CTC (Commissie Tank Cleaning vzw)

Country Belgium
Address Stapelhuisstraat 5a B - 1020 Brussel
Phone +32/2.425.68.00
Fax +32/2.425.05.68
Email erwig.seliaerts@telenet.be
Website www.ctc-belgium.be
Contacts Erwig Seliaerts (Chairman)
EFTCO member

NRTCA (National Road Tanker Cleaners Association)

Country Great Britain
Address Common Lane GB - Knottingley West Yorkshire WF 11 8BN
Phone 0044/1977.60.76.07
Fax 0044/1977.60.70.04
Website www.nrtca.co.uk

Colin Garnett (Chairman)

Ann Dawson


EFTCO member

STCA (Swiss Tankcleaning Association)

Country Switzerland
Address Hutmattstrasse 22, CH-5724 Dürrenäsch
Phone +41 (0)76 557 5420 | +41 (0)76 557 55 15
Fax +41 (0)62 794 02 41
Email Michael.Vetter@tanktransport.ch | Adrian.Gautschi@Bertschi.com
Website www.vstra.ch
Contacts Mr. Michael Vetter (President) | Mr. Adrian Gautschi (Vice President)
EFTCO member

DVTI (Deutscher Verband für Tankinnenreinigung e.V.)

Country Germany
Address Schnellermaarstr. 37, 50354 Hürth
Phone +49 2233 374206 (+49 621 6600 2-42)
Fax +49 2233 374207 (+49 621 6600 2-77)
Email g.effern@dvti.de /
Website www.dvti.de
Contacts Gisela Effern (Secretary)
Lutz Harder (General Manager)
EFTCO member

S&NTCA (Swedish & Nordic Tank Cleaning Association)

Country Sweden, Denmark, Norway,
Address  Synnerödsvägen11, 418 78 Gothenburg, Sweden
Phone  +46 31 3000158
Email candersson@tankclean.se
Website www.sntca.se
Contacts Christer Andersson
EFTCO member

FINTCA (Finnish Tank Cleaning Association ry)

Country Finland
Phone +358 40 801 313
Email Jari.Torkki@vppalvelut.fi
Contacts Jari Torkki (Chairman)
EFTCO member

VÖTS (Verband Österreichischer Tank- und Siloreinigungsanlagen)

Country Austria
Address 3150 Wilhelmsburg Obere Hauptstraße 1
Phone +43-676-83028820
Fax /
Email info@voets.at
Website www.voets.at
Contacts Peter Fischer
EFTCO member

PSMC (Polskie Stowarzyszenie Myjni Cystern)

Country Poland
Address 39-200 Dębica, ul.Drogowców 2 B
Phone +48 601545166
Fax +48 146702020
Email psmc@psmc.pl / kwojtowicz.psmc@wp.pl
Website www.psmc.pl
Contacts Konrad Wójtowicz (President of PSMC)
EFTCO member

KTTD (Kimyasal Taşıma Araçları Temizleyicileri Derneği)

Country Turkey
Address Değirmenyolu Street No:28, Asia Ofis Park A2 Block 1.Floor, 34752 İçerenköy-Ataşehir / İSTANBUL / TURKEY
Phone + 90 216 4691487 234
Fax + 90 216 4691487 234
Email sinem.ozgen@kttd.org
Website www.kttd.org
Contacts Mr Sebahattin Dönmez (Board Chairman)
Ms Çağla Sinem Özgen Alemdar (Secretary General /Environmental Engineering (M.Sc.))
EFTCO member

APLC (Associação Portuguesa de Lavadores de Cisternas)

Country Portugal
Address Rua de Cidres, 1644 - 1º, 4455-442 Perafita
Phone 00351 229963136
Fax 00351 229963136
Email op6471@mail.telepac.pt / copalcis@gmail.com

APLC - Associação Portuguesa de Lavadores de Cisternas (aplcportugal.pt)

Contacts Mr Belarmino Hilario
EFTCO member

CACS (Česká asociace čistících stanic)

Country Czech Republic + Slovakia
Address Pod Šancemi 444/1 180 77 Praha 9
Phone +420 608 733 561
Email Lucie Caklova@cacs.cz
Website www.cacs.cz
Contacts Ing. David Pinka (Předseda)
Lucie Caklova (Tajemník)
  IČ 27 04 5889, DIČ CZ 27 04 5889
EFTCO member

MTSZ (Magyar Tartálytisztítók Szövetsége) (Hungarian Tank Cleaning Association)

Country Hungary
Address Bázis Office Center 2027 Budapest, Horvat utca 10-24
Phone +36 1 3165410
Fax /
Email gyorgy.varnai@gmail.com  / fm@blumenthal.hu
Website www.tartalytisztitas.hu

Dr. György Várnai (President)

Lázló Rácz (Vice President)
Ms. Monika Ferencz (Secretary General)

EFTCO member

ASCR (Asociatia Spalatorilorde Cisterne din România)

Country Romania
Address Calea lui Traian nr. 153, bl. Filipin, sc. 2, ap. 16, 240096 Râmnicu Vâlcea
Phone +40 374 058 477
Fax +40 350 522 000
Email ascr@ascr.org.ro
Website www.ascr.org.ro
Contacts Mr. Lucian Loghin (Secretary General)

EETCA (Eastern-European Tank Cleaning Association)

Country Bulgaria, Russia, Belorussia
Address 14, Aleksandrovska Str.2 BG-8000, Burgas
Phone +372-5-333-05-38
Fax /
Email Nikolay.Grigoriev@eetca.com
Website www.eetca.com
Contacts Nikolay Grigoriev (President)
 Logo SlotCA


Country  Slovenija
Address  Dimičeva 13, 1504 Ljubljana
Phone  +386 1 5898 360
Fax  +386 1 5898 100
Email  igor.sep@gzs.si
Contacts  Igor Sep

Ukrainian National Tank Cleaning Association

Country  Ukraine
Address  49052 Dnipro, Orlovskaya str 21
Phone  +38 (067) 657-3340
Fax  +38 (067) 441-6211
Email office@untca.com.ua / inspector@untca.com.ua / a.mironenko@untca.com.ua
Website www.untca.com.ua
Contacts  Alexey Mironenko / Vsevolod Kasatkin
 EFTCO member

CROTCA - Croatian Tank Cleaning Association

Country Croatia
Address Rimski put 33, 10360 Sesvete
Phone 099/276693
Fax -
Email selidin@net.hr
Website -
Contacts Admir Sarunović